Monday, 5 November 2012

Things can only get better

Have I managed to put that irritating song into your head for the rest of the day?
It's repetitive and has cheesy tunes to accompany it but the overall message is positive and wholesome and hopeful all in one.

I want things to get better. I want to be healthy and happy and I am now of the firm belief that things can only get better, not because so many things have gone wrong but because I am willing them to get better, for myself and for those I care about.
I am a big believer in the analogy of waves as a representation of our lives and the world around us. Not just those beautiful green blue masses of force out at sea but sound, light and experiences. Waves are in constant movement, constant change and and constant flow. Nothing is ever stagnant. Everything is temporary. Suddenly the world becomes very philosophical because you realise that only the current moment means anything. It is the now that is important and while we focus on things only getting better, we automatically admit to ourselves that we are discontent with the now.

This has always been a difficult point for me. I try to focus on the now but in reality, I am not entirely happy with the now, not fully content with the present and want to see change, not just for myself but for people and the world around me. It was then that I realised that making the most of the present is understanding what needs to change towards happiness and growth for myself and others. Change is growth and we were not put here to remain stagnant. Enlightenment comes from the understanding of change not the longingness for it.

It was this brainwave that led me to wanting to learn and understand about new ideas of growth, not simply economic growth. Money and the striving for wealth never made any sense to me. As far as I can see, the greatest wealth to be found and to be given, is in love and the expression of it to ourselves, the people we care about, the people who don't understand and to this beautiful earth we live on. I am inspired by people who are DOING and practicing the change they want to see in the future from others, in the present themselves. It gives me hope, it keeps me positive and makes me feel whole because I think the world is so much better with this kind of change that no amount of change money could bring about.

Here are two documentaries that illuminated my day.
The first: Edible City makes me feel like I am not alone in my desire to fix cities and help communities, one garden at a time.

Jamie Johnson's documentary: The One Percent, gives me hope that there are people, even within the 1% who are thinking, thinking about where they come from, who they are and what they want to be right now and what kind of world they want for the future.

Enjoy! This happy girl did :)

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